Augusta Yacht Club Augusta Yacht Club was founded in 1994 and now has over 50 members. The current clubhouse was opened in 2000 and is situated on the banks of the beautiful Blackwood River. Prior to this members sailed their boats from just north of the current home |
0419 953 369 secretary Augusta |
Boatservices Australia Boatservices Australia since 1993, we provide services to the entire marine industry. All services from Marine Engineering, Shipwriting, Detailing, Antifouling, Trim Works ....... just everything |
1300 36 37 39 boatservicesaustralia rohan Fremantle |
Carnarvon Yacht Club We are passionate about sailing and enjoying our perfect climate. Why don't you come and join us? |
0439 196 534 carnarvonyachtclub carnarvonyachtclub Carnarvon |
Claremont Yacht Club Inc Claremont Yacht Club is ideally situated in the shelter of Freshwater Bay of the Swan River, almost midway between Fremantle Harbour and Perth City. It is the ideal spot to cast off for a cruise or for fishing at any time of the year. |
(08) 9384 8226 claremontyachtclub reception Claremont |
Combined Boating Services Full member AIMS over 40 years' experience all aspects of the marine industry. Pre purchase, insurance, Hin provider, General knowledge just call, never hurts to ask! Licensed Tammy and Forklift trainer, Nauti Park instructor |
0413 735 726 combinedboatingservices neil Perth |
Cruising Yacht Club of WA The Cruising Yacht Club of WA Inc. is a private club for the use and enjoyment by its members and guests. Situated south of Perth on the shore of Cockburn Sound, the club enjoys a mild climate and protected waters ideal for the enjoyment of the sea. |
(08) 9527 5468 tcyc reception Rockingham |
Dunsborough Bay Yacht Club Dunsborough Bay Yacht Club is a family oriented club that sails a variety of dinghies, trailer sailers and keelboats. We sail every Sunday during summer and once a month during winter for the ever favourite 'Polar Bear Series'. |
0477437226 dbyc toni Dunsborough |
East Fremantle Yacht Club East Fremantle Yacht Club offers a range of memberships, superb facilities and a variety of club activities for the whole family. |
(08) 9339 8111 efyc reception East Fremantle |
Esperance Bay Yacht Club Our fleet includes: Pelicans, National 125's, Flying Fifteens. The cruising fleet has a mixture of yachts which provide fast and interesting sailing both inshore and around the islands of the Recherche Archipelago. |
(08) 9071 3323 ebyc ebyc Esperance |
Exmouth Yacht Club We mainly race the Windrush 14 catamarans but other classes are welcomed (and handicapped accordingly!). Sailing in Exmouth Gulf is safe and convenient as long as one pays attention to the tides and weather forecast. |
08 9949 1549 exmouthyachtclub sec Exmouth |
Fremantle Sailing Club When it comes to selecting a sporting and social opportunity for yourself and your family, you can’t go past membership at FSC. Home to over 3000 enthusiastic members of all ages, Fremantle Sailing Club is a community dedicated to the ocean. |
(08) 9385 1556 fsc MEMBERSHIP Fremantle |
Geographe Bay Yacht Club Situated in Busselton in the south west of Western Australia, the Geographe Bay Yacht Club overlooks the vast expanse of sheltered water from which the club takes it's name. |
0897522522 gbyc admin 14 |
Geraldton Yacht Club Learn to sail programs are available for all ages, competitive racing across 4 fleets, Marina pens and much much more. Established in 1914 the GYC is located on the shores of Geraldton's spectacular Champion Bay. |
(08) 9964 1664 gycwa secretary Geraldton |
Hampton Harbour Boat & Sailing Club Dampier’s Hampton Harbour is the gateway to the islands of the magnificent Archipelago which offers exceptional scenery, beaches, sailing, fishing and diving. |
08 9183 1116 hamptonharbour functions Dampier |
Hillarys Yacht Club Hillarys Yacht Club is an active family recreational facility and a thriving enterprise. It boasts a large Clubhouse as well as 270 on the water pens, boat lifting and racking services and junior club house. |
08 9246 2833 hillarysyachtclub admin Hillarys |
Jervoise Bay Sailing Club Jervoise Bay Sailing Club is the City of Cockburn's only sailing club, with predominantly small catamarans and multi-hulls racing every Sunday in Summer. |
08 9418 3996 jbsc office Woodman Point |
Koombana Bay sailing Club Whether you have your own yacht or just want to try your hand at sailing, Koombana Bay Sailing Club has something for everyone! Join a crew and enjoy light hearted competition including Wednesday twilight sailing and Satruday racing. |
(08) 9791 3914 koombanabay admin Bunbury |
Mandurah Offshore Fishing & Sailing Club Situated On the edge of the Indian Ocean within the Mandurah Marina, the Mandurah Offshore Fishing and Sailing Club Inc (MOFSC) is the premier water-based activities club within the Peel Region. |
08 9535 6251 mofsc marinaadmin Mandurah |
Maylands Yacht Club The clubhouse is on the Swan River foreshore, less than 5km from the Perth CBD and about 25km upriver from the port city of Fremantle. We sail a variety of classes: Laser, Sabre, Pacers and the popular trailer-sailer Hartley TS16 and Bics. |
0429230191 maylandsyachtclub secretary Maylands |
Mounts Bay Sailing Club There’s something for everyone at Perth’s most welcoming sailing club. Get out on the water with our kids & adults ‘learn to sail’ courses, evening cruising or weekend racing events. With spectacular venue hire options and social events on of |
08 9386 5839 mbsc admin Crawley |
Nedlands Yacht Club A family friendly yacht club situated on the foreshore of the Swan River at Nedlands, with wide grassy lawns and sandy beaches, Nedlands Yacht Club is the perfect location for sailing and soirees alike. |
(08) 9386 5496 nyc hello Nedlands |
Ocean Reef Sea Sports Club Ocean Reef Sea Sports Club, by the Indian Ocean and Ocean Reef Boat Harbour, with 40+ years of history, offers superb views, five active sections, an event-packed calendar, function spaces, restaurant & playground. Join us today for a bright future. |
(08) 9401 8800 orssc office Ocean Reef |
OceanPro Boat Inspections WA Top-tier professionals in offering comprehensive and unbiased reports that meet the highest standards! |
0434969408 oceanproinspections info All Areas |
Perth Flying Squadron Yacht Club The Squadron overlooks the widest stretch of the river, which is a major venue for competitive yachting, power boating and water sports. Full advantage is taken of the excellent sailing waters with a year round program of events provided for sailors. |
(08) 9386 6437 pfsyc members Dalkeith |
Port Walcott Yacht Club We are a Volunteer only Yacht Club providing facilities for water sports which include sailing and kayaking. |
0460 644 830 portwalcottyachtclub Wickham |
Princess Royal Sailing Club As a family club we provide a wide range of activities for all ages, genders and abilities. We sail Saturdays from October to June and you are most welcome join us early in the morning to learn to sail with our Dinghy Sailing program. |
(08) 9844 4033 prsc office Albany |
Royal Freshwater Bay Yacht Club Overlooking gorgeous Freshwater Bay and the Swan River, you’ll feel right at home here at the Club. We have a vibrant atmosphere and many activities to be enjoyed both on and off the water. |
+61 8 9286 8200 rfbyc rfbyc Peppermint Grove |
Royal Perth Yacht Club Royal Perth Yacht Club knows life is about having fun, laughing and making the most of each moment. We also know there’s nothing better than messing about on boats. |
(08) 9389 1555 rpyc club Crawley |
Shelley Sailing Club Since the Shelley Sailing Club was established on the Canning River in 1974, it has provided the focal point for many people to learn the art of sailing in a club which caters specifically for family sailing. |
shelleysailingclub secretary Shelley |
South of Perth Yacht Club Located less than 10 minutes from Perth CBD, the Club has land and water pens, slipway, swing moorings, sailors with a disability hoist, ample car parking, restaurant with views across Swan and Canning Rivers to Perth city, three bars and dining. |
08 9364 5844 sopyc management Applecross |
Sun City Yacht Club The clubhouse has recently been refurbished, and historically known as the 'Tin Shed' is welcoming and friendly. We offer Club Sailing in dinghies and keelboats for all ages and encourage family involvement. |
0428 628 753 suncityyachtclub sun_city_yacht_club Two Rocks |
Swan Yacht Club The Club offers a range of activities such as Angling and Power Boating events and competitions, with regular entertainment and indoor and outdoor entertaining areas with reasonable prices. |
(08) 9339 3520 swanyachtclub reception East Fremantle |