2017 Young Craft 17 Foot Clinker Day Boat SOLD SOLD SOLD !!!
Lying : Goolwa SA
What a magnificent vessel this is!
As much a show piece as a boat to enjoy and take pride in!
Built by renowned SA shipwright David Young - Adelaide for himself, the true costs would be over $80K !
The construction materials bely the quality, Huon Pine hull, Jarrah keel, Kauri ribs, Celery Top thwarts, Tradionally laid teak deck.
Sheet blocks were handcrafted of American Rock Elm, Handcrafted and cast Bronze fittings.
Spars - Joiners Clear Oregon. - Gaff rigged.
Jib and Mainsail are by Ray Brown SA.
The majority of rigging is via Spectra
Yamaha 6HP 4 stroke outboard
Alloy Heavy Duty Custom manufacture trailer with brakes and winch.
Be ready to enjoy the Wooden Boat Festival in Goolwa April 25 with your own magnificent boat!
Inspection by Appointment only, please only actual buyers!
No more photos available!
Incredible Value at $19,990!
Rob Robinson
Goolwa Boat Sales on the marina Coorong Quays Hindmarsh Island SA