Tayana centre cockpit v42 cutter. Good condition all set up for off shore cruising. Extensive upgrading for long trip overseas. For sale due to health. Rerigged 2 years ago. Sails in good condition recently replaced. Many spares. Been used regularly for coastal cruising to Kangaroo Island. Motor new 2008 roughly 2500 hours well serviced. Australiian registered ship, new gas compliance certificate completed 12/2023. Australian international registration.
Adelaide Area Warrina cove South Australia
Family, Leisure, Cruising
Ta-Yang Boat yard Taiwanj
12 tonne, 14 tonne gross
Deck Material
Teak over GRP, decks are GRP, teak planks are veared onto it. Screws do not go into core (no leakage)
Prop maxiprop fully reverse and feather type
Fully polished timber interior in great condition. Tayanas are all individual and custom built to very high standard.
Three cabins. Bow with two single berths, stern with queen size bed, main cabin Kitchen, lounge and lounge chairs, can convert to double bed and also another single all with lee cloths
Can sleep up to 7 but comfortable for 6
Four burner propane gas stove and oven in very good condition. , Fridge and freezer chest type. Ozifridge utectic compressor, not long replaced, low power demand. And quite. New gas compliance certificate 12/23
Fridge and freezer chest type. Ozifridge utectic compressor, low power demand. And quite.
4 burner with gas oven excellent condition. In very good condition
Water Maker
Openocean, inhibited, indicated 80l/hour
Hotwater System
One unit that runs on both 240v and is also heated by engine use new 1/ 2025
Two showers and heads. One forward and one stern
Two toilets electric. One with holding tank. All replumbed
Bose sound system, radio, ipod, tv new 2022
Walkerbay 4.2 with floats and also sails, 2.3 honda new 2022, new floats 2023
Honda 2.3 new 2022
Solid centre Cock pit pilot house with Screens, can be fully enclosed and reinforced for open ocean use. New boom cover 2022,
Ground Tackle
Muir couger deck mount new mid 2015s, Rocna 25, Marsh 33kg, fisherman kedge, anchor chain 150m of 10mm L test chain installed 2015 approx. Anchoring can be done from the cockpit and has auto anchor and chain counter in the cockpit.
Safety Gear
Life raft new 2015, Six man not in service Solas rated for open ocean. Life jackets, dan bouy, life ring. Drouge
Bilge Pumps
Three. Two electric in bilge. One 2500l/h, one 3500lh also whale hand bilge all serviced. El
Life Raft
RF 6 man solas open ocean raft need service purchsed new 2015
Fire Protection
Automatic engine compartment, one extin each cabin, fire blanket. Smoke and Co and Co2gas detectors,
Raymarine fully intergrated c90 with large hydraulic auto pilot connected to quadrant.
C90 world wide charts. All intergrated to auto pilot, two vhf radio, hf radio with pactor modem. Radar furno all tested, send and recieve AIS intergrated to chart plotter. Man overboard alarm system with life tag system. Monitor wind vane with spares
Sail Inventory
Main new mid 2015s three reefs, genoa furling high cut new mid 2015, stay sail high cut good condition. Spinicar good condtion. Spare genoa low cut, spare main, spare genoa, tri sail with separate track as new, storm head sail as new plus a few other sails.
Mast / Rigging
Cutter rig rerigged 2020
Deck Gear
12 winches in good conditon all serviced,
SA 5065 Australia