Whittleys best-selling fishing boat is the SL 22.
The engine on this popular inboard fishing boat is the Volvo Penta V6-200 G
This is Whittleys best-selling Sea Legend
Check out the article "Whittley SL 22 SD with Volvo Penta V6-240: Fishing Boat Review" at the bottom of this page for a detailed review
This one has been freshwater flushed after each use and dry stored at Akuna Bay Sydney.
Service History available on request and just been detailed ready for a new owner.
Fishing Outriggers (never been used)
Portable Toilet (never been used)
Engel Fridge
DVD Player
Safety Gear including lifejackets
Full cover with rear flyscreen for overnight stays
Suitable WHITTLEY trailer, under the current 22 from $12,542.77 inc gst, delivered to Ingleburn, Sydney, NSW unregistered
Check out the article below on boatsales. Com. Au:
https://www. Boatsales. Com. Au/editorial/details/whittley-sl-22-sd -with-volvo-penta-v6-240-fishing-boat- review-56393/