************************************** ***************** Refurbished Mustang 3200 NEW TO THE MARKET ************************************** *********************
JNR is worthy of your inspection for so many reasons.
With the cost of new 32ft Sportscruiser Style Boats ranging in price from $450,000.00 to in excess of a million $$$ in some respects we need to reconsider our boating options, so what do you get if you take a popular boat, that still looks stylish and you go thru the whole thing and end up with a boat that is as new in so many respects and will offer at least another 15 - 20 years of boating as it has previously done for maybe as little as a quater to an eighth of a new boat equivalent.
The Mustang family of boats were and are still renowned for their stylish lines, stable beam, nice ride, nice appointments and fitout. The Professional Mariner owner has completed the following works and more to produce what we are exclusively offering today.
******* The Gelcoat Hull Has Been Professionally Sprayed in 2PAC Marine Paint Offering Many Years of Very Little Or No Maintenance To Keep The Shine.
Gone Are The Dark Gelcoat Side Panels, The Boat Remains Cooler.
******* The 2 Engines and Drive Units Have Been Replaced With 2 BRAND NEW Next Generation Freshwater Cooled V6 Engines and Volvo Legs, Quieter, More Economical and
More Powerful Than Their Predecessors.
******* New Electronics
******* New Covers, Clears
******* New Cockpit Upholstery
******* New And Additional Batteries
******* Cockpit Floor Coverings
******* Plumbed System For Freshwater Manifold Washing
The Vendor Has Additionally Had The Foresight To Have A Presale Out Of Water Survey Completed, Available On Request.