It is with great pleasure that Motoryachts Unlimited have been engaged to sell the Back Brothers built classic'Vlaming' - a major piece of WA's maritime history. Inbrief, she was fully restored in the late 1990's and sold to her previous owners who have been her custodian for over twenty years. A change in circumstances for her current owners mean it's now it's time to hand over the baton for a new lover of classic, beautifully hand crafted coastal and river cruisers.
Putting the historic value of Vlaming aside for a moment, the word 'charm' comes to mind when describing her timeless lines and craftmanship.
The best way to understand her true value however is by reading her history. Unfortunately there is not nearly enough room in this space provided so we have attached a PDF of her documented story - author unknown. Below are some extracts from that story:
"The 40 foot 'Vlaming' originally saw service in the 60'sas a fisheries patrol vessel, covering a stretch of coast from Bunbury in the south, to the far northern
Bernier and Dorre Islands off Carnarvon, a 600 mile stretch of coast. The regular 48-hour trip from Fremantle to Carnarvon was only punctuated by a fuel stop in Geraldton, before passing the treacherous Zuytdorp cliffs along the barren exposed North-West'coast-of-no-anchorage & as some call it. In the later years she was seconded to other roles, including sea rescue, salvage and as a support vessel for scientific and naturalist investigation work. "...
In 1994 Vlaming was purchased by a Perth local who engaged an English shipwright Mark Payne to fully restore her in Henderson WA.
"It was the new owners' initial requirement that the hull be absolutely sound, as only on a solid foundation could his new masterpiece be created. The hulls
should have no rot, wet or dry, the boat had to be totally stripped out and then, inch by inch, nail by screw by plank, inspected and rebuilt. Thanks to the
Western Australian surveyors specifications, what Mark found under the paint was still almost perfect. "....
"Mark hand selected each and every piece of teak used, $40 000 worth of 1/4 sawn dead straight grain, knot free timber, all measured and below 6%
moisture. "....
Vlaming is still in current 1E survey. She has hosted hundreds of river cruises for wedding parties and specialoccassions between Fremantle and the Upper Swan. Occasionally for recreational use to Rottnest, Garden andCarnac islands.
On our photo shoot her owner mentioned Vlaming's timber hull was a dolphin lure, sure enough and on queue, within minutes of leaving her berth in East Fremantle dolphins appeared below her bow.
Vlaming is available for immediate inspection and sale with some forward charter bookings if you chose to keep her in survey. This could be an excellent supplimentary income for someone who absolutely loves being on the water.
For more information you can also go to www. Classicboatcharters. Com. Au
Registered length 11.76m
Brendon Grieve
Peter Milner
Renee Noack
Motoryachts Unlimited are Perth boat sales specialists focusing on the sale of luxury second hand motorboats, sail boats, yachts, monohulls and cats. We have an extensive directory of boats for sale Perth and are always looking for high quality, second hand vessels.
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For more information and to arrange a viewing of any of our boats for sale Perth, contact Brendon Grieve | Motoryachts Unlimited |
Disclaimer: We have, in preparing this information, used our best endeavours to ensure that the information contained therein is true and accurate, but accept no responsibility and disclaim all liability in respect of any errors, inaccuracies or misstatements contained herein. Parties interested in any Motoryachts Unlimited consigned vessels should make their own inquiries and surveys to verify the information contained herein.
Western Australia
Perth Area Motoryachts Unlimited | South Fremantle WA