Qld commercial fishing licenses for sale and wanted

Current 13/2/25

The list below comprises current and separate listings for Qld Commercial Primary Fishing Licenses. The bracketed numbers at the end of the line designate the individual client who owns the asset for sale or wanted.

*Wanted to purchase, Primary Licence happy to pay market price (8557)

*Wanted to Purchase, A1 primary, no special area is OK. Please call with offers. (372800)

*For sale: Primary C1 and approx 4700Kg EC1 Open to offers (8391)

*For sale: Primary L1(1), C2 asking $19200+ Negotiable (8550)

*For sale: Primary, L3(0), C1 asking $50K no GST (Negotiable). (8540)

*For sale: Primary, W1 (Zone 3; Inskip Point to Cape York (east of Cape York) excluding Fraser Island) and Y (Zone 3; Sunshine/Fraser). Asking $16k Negotiable. (2247)

*For sale: L4(0) and Primary licence $35K + gst Negotiable (685)

*Wanted to buy: Primary with: L2(2), RQ(2), SM(2) & N11 (or similar licence). (18306a)
*Wanted to buy: Primary with: L2(1), RQ(1), SM(1), N11 (8473)

*For sale: EC1-IQ 440 Kg, BC1-ITQ 1460 Kg, C1 symbol for sale (no primary). $120,000.00+GST negotiable (8365)

*For sale: Primary with T1, M1 and quota (described below) $85k+ negotiable (8538)
1640 Southern Offshore Trawl Units, 850 Central Trawl Units, 2570 Moreton Bay Trawl Units

*For Sale: M1, T1 Primary Licence, 4000 Central Trawl Effort Units & 3000 Moreton Bay Trawl Effort Units Open to offers, please enquire. (8439)

For people who don't have experience in this industry, you need to make sure you do your due diligence. Please contact Fisheries Qld for up to date and accurate information. Other regulators include AMSA and Food Safe Qld, there are more considerations so do your homework. Please call Robert at Saltwater Solutions for recent sale prices and support before you make any decisions.

Saltwater Solutions also deals in commercial fishing and harvest licenses, quota, buy, swap, sell and lease. To find out more, please visit our website.

Note that details of vessels are not verified by Saltwater Solutions, potential purchasers are required to make their own enquiries as to the accuracy of the listings. Listings are subject to change without notice. E&OE

Rockhampton Area Cairns QLD
9248 Licenses for sale and wanted


Saltwater Solutions
PO Box 14
QLD 4891 Australia

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Boating Industry Association Member

