Northern Territory Coastal Line Fishery Licence with access to the Western Zone!
- 4T - CLF Black Jewish
- 263kg - CLF Golden Snapper
- There is no limit on other Demersal species such as Cod, Groper, Emperors and Shark buy catch of 500kg per trip is allowed
Fishing Methods:
- vertical lines, cast nets, scoop nets or gaffs can be used from the high water mark out to 15 nautical miles from the low water mark
- drop lines and up to 5 fish traps can be used from 2 to 15 nautical miles out from the low water mark
- up to 5 hooks per vertical line and up to 40 hooks per drop line.
- Fish traps can't be used in the western zone.
Fishing Area:
You can fish along the NT coast between the high water mark and 15 nautical miles out from the low water mark. Special restrictions apply in the western zone. The western zone extends from the Western Australian border to Vashon Head on Cobourg Peninsula, in the NT.
Link to Fisheries Regulations: https://legislation. Nt. Gov. Au/Search/~/link. Aspx?_id=30289D2047DE434C8F891411D4974 DD2&_z=z
Enquire today with Oceaneer Marine Brokers!