17.2m x 5.1m x 2.02m built in 1989 - Cummins main and Kubota auxilary with KVA (5000 hrs) - hdraulic steering - radar - 2 x sounders - 2 x computors - Radio Direction Finder - Inmarsat - Plotter - Sterio - GPS x 2 with all fishing marks - 240 / 24 volt lightingg.
ACCOMMODATION 4 single bunks in focsle - toilet & shower with hot water system - galley with electric stove with oven - fridge & sink - dinette table.
FISHING EQUIPMENT Danish seine gear with 3 nets in good condition,
FISH ROOM Lare insulated iceroom amidships
SURVEY & LICENCES In current AFMA 3B survey and liferaft - hull due 2025 - Vic & Commonwealth inshore trawl licences