Brilliantly built Anglapro Sniper Pro side console.
These feature a huge deck area, front casting platform with heaps of storage under and many more features such as:
Front kill tank
Navigation lights
Bilge pump
Plumbed bait tank
Solid baitboard
Hydraulic steering
2 x comfy seats with various floor spiggots to move them about to
Powered by 75hp Yamaha 4 stroke
All aboard a solid Dunbier galvanised trailer (licensed)
Our tow away package includes:
4 lifejackets
Offshore flares
Anchor kit
***sounder pictured is an extra, not included on a similar sold boat****
Well built and great riding
Anglapro boats are solidly constructed to suit our WA conditions
Available now and we can offer in house finance to approved applicants if required, ask us for a quote!
Sportsmarine Boat Centre Bunbury