True to its name, the Sports Activity Vessel is a seamless and elegant combination of sporting, day boating and overnighting. This unmatched versatility, blended with added luxury results in an unrivalled, do-it-all, outboard-powered day-yacht perfect for entertaining or catching the night's dinner. The 38 SAV is rightly in a league of its own.
Pricing is with Triple Yamaha 4.3L F350 - White 1050 HP V6 Digital SS and the below optional features:
- Anchor Windlass & Anchor - Chain & Rope
- Television - Cockpit 220V
- Air Conditioning w/- Reverse Cycle Heat
- Bow Thruster
- Digital Switching with RGBW Lighting
- Generator: Diesel 110V 8 KW, 60 Hz Panda
- Dual Garmin 9222 + B60 Transducer
- Fish Package - Live well; Transom rod holders; Raw water deck wash
- Outriggers - Base Only
- Toilet: Overboard Discharge
- 220V Electrical Package - Australia
- Australian Certification
- CE Certification (Includes Automatic Fire Extinguisher)
- Inland Freight
- Garmin 110 VHF Radio
- Television: Cockpit
- Grey Water System
- Seakeeper 3 Stabilisation System
- Cockpit Freezer (summer kitchen)
Contact Short Marine for more information. Located at Runaway Bay Marina QLD.