NEW Myark Folding Trailer Barge Amphibious trailer landing barge

Myark Stewart with the help of his father spent 12 years developing various inventions while in China and now Myark is forming a company in Hong Kong to export and manufacture hands on in China, sold direct internationally at boat, camping and 4x4 trade shows.

One hundred $1000 shares that in total is 5% of the HK Company are for sale which the share holding per person is one share only and that share holder qualifications to apply needs to be Vegan that will amount to eventually 100 Vegan share holders.
Hong Kong maximize tax expenditure on profit is 15% and less than 8% tax on the first two million dollars profit made.

The Myark Barge "aka Noah's Ark" prototype pictured in almost completed manufacturing stage is one of many sizes and shapes of future self trailer folding amphibious landing crafts designs including other inventions like Myark multi function tools, an outdated model displayed on You Tube suits Boiler Maker Welder, Farmers, DIY, Plumber, Armed Forces, survival etc.

That proto- type Myark multi wrench was market researched in Thailand with a live demonstration that can be viewed on https://www. Youtube. Com/watch?v=E3-EsetvqRg this will be sold alongside smaller Myark Amphibious watercraft at trade shows that has an option to be a pop out camper for land or water including high performance electric propulsion self trailer 4.8 X 2.4 catamaran speed boat that can outperform any conventional catamarans in speed and fuel performance on similar HP and size.

The future 6. Myark amphibious trailer pontoon that is a new concept for outdoor camping adventures like no other that make any vehicle under 3000kg amphibious, also can become a pop out camper on land or just a good pontoon speed boat and with a sail becomes a Cat.
In the self trailer form weighs less than 750 kg including a heavy duty tent stored inside the pontoons "legally no brakes needed" that has a rubber cord torsion suspension with the hubs, stubs and axles that are lost wax vacuumed casting Gr5 titanium, including the torsion bar that Myark's sell for less than a standard conventional none trailer narrow pontoon because there is no greedy "carnivore" middle man, and the fact Myark's hands on manufacturing plant in China with direct sales internationally.

Four 6. X 2.7 X. 550 amphibious Myark's in folding form fit into one 6. Container that make freight cost worldwide at an unbeatable price, that also have other invention product stored inside the pontoons when exporting = no freight cost on theses extra items shipped that are sold at trade shows, online sales and Myark TV infomercials.
The multi tools and other invention sold at trade shows will use a 6. X 2.7 x. 550 Myark folding amphibious trailer pontoon with a heavy duty tent on top for the sales demonstration exhibit platform allowing several inventions to be sold at one trade show.

Vegan share holders have opportunities to be part of the sale net work at trade shows worldwide for an exciting Vegan lifestyle which any share holder are welcomed to visit the manufacturing assembling plant in China.
More information for Vegan only shareholders can be given in a private meeting with a detailed business plan and profit forecast after a nondisclosure confidential agreement is signed.

The 9. X 4.4 x. 750 Myark pictured in add is in the final development stage of the folding mechanism and the start of a PCT patent application.
When completed the sale price is $160,000 with two new 60HP high thrust Yamaha outboards or optional electric pivotal drive propulsion system.

This model is ideal for a mobile home up to 8 ton for amphibious travel as the Myark assembles and tows on land or water that can have a 9. X 4.4 tent on top giving a huge room area, for example on an remote island, lake or river edge paradise setting.
When is the water the hinge system is easily removed and then the Myark becomes two 9. X 2.2 x. 750 barges.

Western Australia
Perth WA
Model Year
Myark Stewart
Myark Stewart
29' 6" - 9.00m
2300 kg
Deck Material


Denis Stewart
WA 6000 Australia